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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Dresses, shoes, hair, oh my!

I'd like to start this post with pretty much the best part about the planning process: Picking out a wedding dress!

First, do your research and find what stores you want to go to, make sure to keep your budget in mind. I chose off-the-rack and consignment stores to get the best deal. I wanted a designer dress without paying a designer price. The only downside is that the dress you try on is the only one, there's no "I'll go other places and think about it and maybe come back." If you leave without buying the dress you like, it could be gone by the time you decide it's what you wanted.

The first store I went to was an off-the-rack store called Brilliant Bridal. At first when I explained that I wanted a lace dress, I felt like she didn't quite get it when she started pulling dresses. This is when I pulled out my phone and showed her a few pictures, this made a HUGE difference. BRING PICTURES. "Lace" in bridal dress language is not specific, neither is "mermaid" or "princess dress". The easiest way to start getting into the dresses you like is to bring pictures.
Let me just say, I hate trying things on. And wedding dresses are difficult to try on. I had to wear a strapless bra just in case and I HATE them, I'm really short and dresses are really long so getting my feet off of the end of the dress requires jumping around, it's just a mess. Try to remember the excitement of GETTING YOUR WEDDING DRESS.

Here's another tip: Schedule your appointments on a day when no one in your group has ANYTHING else to do that day. We got there at 10 am, my sister had to leave for a game at like 12 and we were rushing towards the end which really frustrated me. Don't let that happen. It sucks. Plain and simple.

I actually did end up buying a dress at the first store I went to, which I had planned NOT to do (oops), but I really loved it and I couldn't stand the idea of it not being there later. However, because we were in a rush, I didn't really get to try on veils or anything, so now we still need to go back and do that. I got to see one just to make sure I loved the dress but I want to try every kind on, even though I THINK I want a birdcage veil. But I don't wear veils every day, so how should I know?

That's another tip: Even if you love one certain type of dress, be open to trying on other styles that your bridal consultant suggests would look good on you. I tried on a really poofy dress that I thought I'd NEVER wear and I actually had a hard time choosing between it and the dress I bought!

Oh and just one more thing: If you want a SERIOUSLY cheap dress and don't mind ordering one online, my friend sent me this link after I'd already bought my dress. Check it out!

Now, you think that once you get your dress you're set, but you're really not. My Oma is altering my dress for me and making some sleeves for it so it's not strapless (I HATE strapless, as I've mentioned before). So now we have to find lace that matches to MAKE the sleeves. That will be fun.

Then there's accessories, I still don't have my veil, I don't know what kind I want, I think I might want a hair piece but what if I want a long veil or how do I make them go together. I'm not sure a necklace will go with the sleeves that are getting made but then will I look bare and then earrings and shoes and AH. Can I just say that this is stressful? I'm so bad with accessories it's not even funny.

Now, this leads me to SHOES. Which I need some serious advice with.
I think I want to just buy some white Vans. This way I can be comfy, walk steadily down the aisle, I can get those shoe pictures everyone else does, and then I can dance during the reception.
But my Oma says that I need at least a small heel to make the dress look the best. But does it make that much of a difference?
Can I get some advice from brides that have or haven't worn something other than traditional heels?
PLEASE COMMENT AND HELP ME. (And anyone else who might be reading)

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