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About Me

My name is Ashlee, and I'm engaged to the most wonderful boy I've ever met (other than my daddy!), Jacob.
In so many ways, we're exact opposites:
I'm studying accounting, he's a music teacher.
He's a ball of energy and can't stop moving, naps are my favorite thing.
He's loud and outgoing and charismatic, I keep to the people I know and I normally can't think of anything to say.
He's an extrovert, I'm an introvert. (For a laugh and to really understand my at my core, check out this illustration:

And in so many other ways, we're the exact same person. We react to most situations in the same way, we have similar mannerisms and ways of speaking. We're both incredibly weird and walk to the beat of our own drums.

But enough of the lovey-dovey stuff. It's really not me. In my opinion, we're getting married and that's all anyone else needs to know.

I created this blog because I love, love, LOVE planning my wedding. I don't know what I will do with myself when the day actually comes and passes. It's my favorite thing to do with my free time, and sometimes even when I don't have free time. I would actually love to be a wedding planner, but there's a reason I'm studying accounting: I'm not very good with people, and I like things to be black and white. Sometimes I try to picture what I would be like with a client, and it's really just painfully awkward.
So, of course, I decide the best way to channel this want is via the internet, no face-to-face interaction! Yay!

I'd also just like to point out that by no means am I a writer, so pardon me if everything I say is not grammatically correct or doesn't flow well. I write the way I think - and it's pretty awkward in here.

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